I'm a first time mom of a five-month old baby girl. Unlike most women do, milk did not came out after giving birth. There was constant crying and the baby was struggling just to get some milk. My mom and husband Joel Baclohan told me to give formula but I refused because I was told to just keep the baby suck my breast because milk will eventually come out. Two days later, we were discharged from the hospital. The following day we immediately rushed back to the hospital because the baby had a fever. We were so nervous back then because how come a three-day old baby have fever? She is our first baby and we can't afford to put her life in great danger. When we were in the hospital tests were done and results were normal. Doctor said baby might be dehydrated because I don't have enough milk yet. So that's the time we gave formula. At first I feel guilty and I feel incapable and fail as a mother because I can't breastfeed her. Ever since I always wanted to breastfeed my baby, it's just that supply isn't enough for my baby. Now I feel relieved knowing that there can be adverse effect on a child`s brain through prolonged starvation. I'm a mother and I can't compromise my baby's safety that's why I can say I did the right thing in feeding her formula milk. It may not be the best milk for her to grow healthy and strong, but it's the best milk for her to live and do away with brain damage or any damage starvation may have caused her. I salute all the mothers who breastfeed their baby, and I have great respect and I praise those mothers out there who, like me, are brave and courageous enough to put down their pride and choose to feed their baby with formula. I did not gave up breastfeeding but I gave up seeing my baby starving. I don't care anymore of my pride, all I care is for my baby to be fed well. My baby just turned 5 months and day by day, she grows to be healthy, strong, smart and a happy baby. And it's all that matters to me.
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